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Want to get involved? SCB-D will be electing new leadership and committee chairs in late May/early June (open to graduate and undergraduate students from all programs and majors who are interested in conservation biology). Email for more info.

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  • SCB-D is pleased to host Keith Parker, Senior Fisheries and Molecular Biologist for the Yurok Tribe, for a virtual talk on:

                  Tues, May 10 (flyer on left)

  • SCB-D will run a joint event with the Davis Chapter of The Wildlife Society on May 23 (details coming soon)

  • Officer and committee leader elections late May or early June (details coming soon)

  • North American Congress for Conservation Biology (SCB North America biannual meeting) July 16-21 in Reno, NV (see below and here)

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Save the date for the International Congress for Conservation Biology in Kigali, Rwanda! 

The conference has been postponed from July to December 12-16, 2021.


Check out chapter member Sarah Kross's video of a previous field trip to see bats leave their roost in the Yolo Bypass.

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Upcoming Events
Get Involved
Current Inspiration

We hosted a guest speaker, Dr. Indranil Mondal from the Wildlife Institute of India, for our Fall Remote SCB-Davis meeting! 



"For conservation to be sustainable, it can't just be about doing the actual conservation work, but doing it in a way that works for people and communities."


– Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

© 2020 by SCB Davis Chapter

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